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Terror in Israel mark

Mixed Media, Bullet Casings, Nails, Screws, Sand on Canvas, 4×8 Feet (2003-4)

This paintings was inspired by my 2003 visit to Israel and the death of my cousin in a terrorist attack (the story is below).

Jun 5, 2002 – Sgt. Yigal Nedipur, 21, of Netanya, was one of 17 people killed when a car packed with a large quantity of explosives struck Egged bus No. 830 traveling from Tel-Aviv to Tiberias at the Megiddo junction near Afula.

The attack took place at about 7:15 in the morning. The force of the explosion lifted the bus into the air, and reduced the car carrying the bomb to charred metal. The car exploded near the gasoline tank of the bus, causing it to burst into flames. Most of the casualties were soldiers who were on their way to their bases. The Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

Sgt. Yigal Nedipur served in the Ordnance Corps in a base near Afula. His father Roni drove him to the bus stop in the morning of the terror attack.

Raised in Netanya, where he attended the ORT high school, Yigal worked as a waiter in Kfar Sava during his furloughs to help his family’s finances. He liked music and sports.

Sgt. Yigal Nedipur was buried in the military cemetery in Netanya. He is survived by his parents, Ludmilla and Nicolai, and his sister Sigal (17).

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