Israel Paintings (mixed)

“Sunrise on top of Masada” 30×40 inches, 2010, oil on canvas

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Oil on Canvas, 30 x 40 inches, 2010











Based on a picture I took in Israel in 2003. My first visit to Mt. Masada.  I love the fact that I know I stood in a place my ancestors stood looking forward to a new day.  The sun rises in the East, in Hebrew Mizrach, which comes from the root work Zirach, meaning shining sun, another word for east in hebrew is Kedem, which means forward.  The rising of the sun represents “Forward.”

Price $750

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“Children Playing in Jerusalem Square” Rothchild Building, Jerusalem, Israel

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jerusalem square copyright mezrahi 2010

16×20 in, Acrylic on Canvas, 2010

They say about the streets of Jerusalem that when children happily play there, the coming of the Messiah is close.

This is the Rothchild Building, based on a picture I took in Israel in 2006.

A line from the book of Zacharia (8: 4-5) is written on the courtyard wall:
“Old men and old women will again sit in the streets of Jerusalem… and the city streets will be filled with boys and girls playing.”

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“Jerusalem Old City”

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Oil on Canvas, 24x36 in, 2009

Oil on Canvas, 24×36 in, 2009

In the summer of 2006,  every day for 5 weeks when I woke up I would walk down this walkway make a left, a right, walk through the Sq down the ramp, make another left, pass the bookstore and and make a right down the stairs to visit the Western Wall of the Temple Mount.

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“Aish” Old City Jerusalem

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16x20 in, Acrylic on Canvas, 2009

16×20 in, Acrylic on Canvas, 2009

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“Mizrach” (East)

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24x36 in, Oil on Canvas, 2005

24×36 in, Oil on Canvas, 2005

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